Saturday, May 19, 2012


This season it's all about the bottoms.  Stripes, floral, polka dots - oh my!  But all this fun on the bottom can be a little overwhelming and some of the prices tags might seem frightening if you're only going to wear that piece once.  I'm here to tell you that these bottoms can be very, very versitle.  You probably have more options hidden in your closet than you even know! 

Below you will find 3 very different looks all using the same AG Polka Dot Ankle Stevies (Anthropologie).  I wanted to show that you can do so much more with these pants than a simple white shirt (though that's also a cute option!).

Option 1 is pretty simple and basic.  A sheer, neutral blouse with nude heels works for Happy Hour or a night with friends. 

Option 2 is a little more interesting with the mixing of stripes and dots!  This cotton shirt is playful and works for a Casual Friday or brunch with girlfriends.

Option 3 is also a bit more daring because we're mixing florals with the dots.  Yes, this totally works!  Paired with flats, this is great for a weekend of errands.

Option 1:
Sheer brown blouse (Free People); Collection of gold bangles and Nixon watch; Nude, platform heels (Lucky Brand)

Option 2:
Striped top (Anthropologie); Collection of gold bangles and Nixon watch; Nude, platform heels (Lucky Brand)

Option 3:
Silk floral blouse (Anthropologie); Collection of gold bangles and Nixon watch; Gold ballet flats (Steve Madden)

Play around with textures, prints and accessories. Style on!

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